A connection point for power businesses
The VXV Plaza in Auckland's Wynyard Quarter is described as being perfectly placed as a connection point for New Zealand's powerhouse businesses.
The Jasmax project developed by Goodman and Fletcher Building carries a strong historic narrative for the site, referencing the area’s industrial heritage which is the driving force behind the layout of the plaza, as well as material and furniture selections.
The Jasmax VXV project is set within Auckland's Wynyard Quarter - photography by Mayank Thammalla
Jasmax landscape architect, Claire O'Shaughnessy says the plaza might mainly be used as a public space for workers at lunchtime - but it has enormous potential for public and large scale events as well as pop ups and other organic gatherings.
Watch the video below as Claire talks us through the project - which won an Award of Excellence, Commercial, at the 2017 Resene NZILA Pride of Place awards.