Talk of change dominates our (unscientific) NZILA conference poll
Times are changing - that's the overwhelming message from delegates at the 2018 NZILA Firth conference when we asked "what excites you about being a landscape architect." At last month's conference we sent our camera out in break time to find out more about how some of the three hundred delegates view the profession.
While answers were wide ranging - there was a common theme around change - how communities are changing, how environmental imperatives are changing, how urbanisation is increasing and very importantly - how we express ourselves is developing.
Sixpitch founder Ryan Gravel (Sponsored by Streetscape) presenting at the 2018 NZILA Firth Conference.
There was a view that landscape architecture is vital for the future shape of our cities and while once may have been seen as " a nice to have," the industry is now central to urban planning.
You can hear more from the delegates in the video below.