'Our Space' - the destination playground in Te Awamutu
‘Our Space’ signals the creation of a new meeting place for the community of Te Awamutu.
Anchored by a recreation events centre and new library, Waipa District Council has provided a destination playground that supplements these facilities appealing to diverse age groups.
Envisaged as a ‘go to’ place for local children and families, the aim was also to attract people driving past to take a break in Te Awamutu. Completed in February 2018, the Playground and Pop ‘n Good Bike Skills Park was conceived as one part of a wider regeneration and public realm strategy in the 2014 Precinct Plan.
The playground in ‘Our Space’ in Te Awamutu’s Recreation Hub is designed as a series of age related zones from the existing Rose Garden extending along Gorst Avenue to Te Awamutu Events Centre.
Envisaged as a ‘go to’ place for local children and families, the aim was also to attract people driving past to take a break in Te Awamutu. Completed in February 2018, the Playground and Pop ‘n Good Bike Skills Park was conceived as one part of a wider regeneration and public realm strategy in the 2014 Precinct Plan.
Occupying a former passive recreation space the playground forms a ribbon of activity between Gorst Avenue and the Mangaohoi riverbank. The Mangaohoi Stream has a restoration plan involving planting and weed control.
‘Our Space’ is working well as a meeting place for the community of Te Awamutu.
In addition there is a focus on erosion issues along the stream edge. Through its proximity to this naturalised edge the playground provides an introduction to wider ecological values and issues for the community.
Native planting is a feature on the river bank, along with the associated flora and fauna that make this their habitat. This includes providing a habitat for pollinators.
The playground equipment includes a full rage of experiences from climbing, spinning and swinging to sensory and auditory experiences.
In developing what was seen as a redundant piece of passive recreation space the development of the playground demonstrates how even a thin sliver of land can be designed to accommodate a function and also provide an interface with the natural environment for the future stewards of the environment.
Appealing to different age groups the playground features a dedicated under fives play and water zone, and a bike park for both young and intermediate aged children.
The importance of cycling as a mode of transport and recreation within the Waipa District is clearly signalled through the Bike Skills Park. The focus is clearly on providing facilities for the youngest to experiment and experience riding bikes, skateboards and scooters in a safe environment.
A tower and slide area complete the offering for older kids located at the hinge point alongside family barbecue areas. This layout enables kids to experience play activities within their capability alongside activities that stretch and challenge them, resulting in a playground that demands a return visit.