Covid-19 - industry update

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Landscape architects are being urged to keep it “business as usual” as much as possible by New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects Tuia Pito Ora president, Brad Coombs.

He says while the Covid-19 pandemic is placing huge strain on the economy New Zealand will recover much more quickly if people are able to keep projects ticking over, and spend locally.


He acknowledges this will be challenging, especially where clients are reluctant to spend money.

Coombs also advises limiting face-to-face meetings as much as possible, both within offices and with clients. “We’re going to have to be really, really mindful of the amount of domestic travel we’re doing,” he says. His advice comes as the Government urges every New Zealander overseas to come home while they still can.

Anyone facing financial hardship because of the pandemic should check out the Government’s $12.2 billion financial assistance package announced this week.

Coombs says everyone should be keeping themselves up to date with developments by checking official websites.

Here are some links which may be useful.

Ministry of Health

New Zealand Government

You can see more from NZILA President Brad Coombs in the video below.