World Landscape Architecture Month 2020

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New Zealand landscape architects are being encouraged to take part in an international campaign to celebrate the profession.

April is World Landscape Architecture Month (WLAM) and this year the association which established it, the American Society of Landscape Architects or ASLA, is celebrating with a ‘Life Grows Here’ campaign.

WLAM is a month-long international celebration of landscape architecture and designed public and private spaces. The ASLA team says people and communities around the world have “deep, long-standing personal connections to the spaces landscape architects create – they’re just not aware of it.”


ASLA is encouraging landscape architects around the world aim to demonstrate that connection by highlighting landscape architect-designed spaces.

ASLA has been highlighting landscape architecture projects and spaces that form the fabric of the communities they serve. Its social media feeds on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are showcase notable projects, practitioners, and progress in the field using the hashtags #WLAM2020 and #LifeGrowsHere.

And ASLA is quick to acknowledge the exceptional times most LAs are operating in and is urging participants to be mindful of social distancing due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

You can find more information on how to take part here and copy LAA in on any videos or stills you send by emailing us here.