Manufacturing the perfect wave
Those searching for the perfect wave in Sydney will soon no longer be beholden to Mother Nature.
Australian startup URBNSURF is developing a surf park facility at Sydney Olympic Park.
It’s just like a day at the beach. URBNSURF Melbourne.
"URBNSURF Sydney will be capable of generating up to 1,000 perfect, ocean-like surfing waves, of up to two metres in height every hour, and will provide customised surfing experiences to suit all ages, abilities and board types," says Andrew Ross, URBNSURF’s Founder and Director.
Actor Chris Hemsworth making the most of URBNSURF Melbourne.
The company has engaged landscape architecture studio Oculus to collaborate with architects ClarkeHopkinsClarke on the project. Oculus will be responsible for the design of all the public domain within the park, including entry plaza, events spaces, children’s playground, terraced viewing/passive space and outdoor lounge.
Announcing its involvement, the company says the 3.2 hectare former carpark site, which is surrounded by Haslams Creek wetland reserve on all sides, demands careful consideration of adjoining ecosystems.
The project will deliver a major recreational and tourism facility to Western Sydney, delivering perfect waves day in, day out. Not only will it serve as a training ground for elite surfers, it’ll be open daily to Sydneysiders and surfers travelling from interstate and overseas.
URBNSURF Melbourne.
The next-generation surf park will regularly host amateur and pro surfing competitions, as well as festivals dedicated to music, art, film, food, culture and more. The complex will host a beach club, restaurant, bar, cafe, pop-ups and a concept retail space, in addition to the surfing lagoon which measures two hectares in area.
URBNSURF opened its first surf park, URBNSURF Melbourne, in January. Its Sydney park is expected to be completed in 2022.