2023 NZILA Firth Conference; Day 1
The second day of the 2023 NZILA Firth Conference gets underway today in Whakatū Nelson after a thought provoking first day on the theme of “Growing Pains.”
NZILA President Henry Crothers says highlights of day one include the opening presentation from Kotchakorn Voraakhom. She’s the chairwoman of the Climate Change Working Group of the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA World) and the CEO and Founder of Landprocess and Porous City Network in Thailand.
Kotchakorn Voraakhom presenting on day one of the 2023 NZILA Firth Conference in Nelson.
Henry says Kotchakorn is a real powerhouse and was inspiring on the subject of climate adaptation while providing strong project examples from Thailand. He says her presentation highlighted the importance the role of advocacy and community engagement plays in landscape architecture design.
He says it was also inspiring to hear from Professor Rob Adams, the Director of City Design and Projects at the City of Melbourne. Henry says hearing from a man so instrumental in the creation of one of the world’s most liveable cities was inspiring especially around how to adapt to climate change while maintaining the amenities of a city along with its vitality.
Henry says landscape architects and urban designers here in Aotearoa are grappling with many similar issues to those facing Melbourne and there was a great deal to learn on how to grow and adapt while taking in cultural and community concerns.
Professor Rob Adams is the Director of City Design and Projects at the City of Melbourne.
“It’s why we are all here really, to learn to do better,” says Henry.
For Boffa Miskell’s Rachel de Lambert day one was an important “tune up” for the profession on the importance of continued involvement of mana whenua in all aspects of project design and implementation.
“The theme of “Growing Pains’ was expertly woven through the whole programme. The message is clear about working with mana whenua; there is still more to be done and we can and must improve in this area,” she says.
Rachel also saw Rob Adams presentation as a highlight. “He speaks of 40 years plus perseverance on the delivery of a vision; a big picture challenge delivering on a big scale.“
She says Kotchakorn Voraakhom was also inspiring especially around her experience of working with, and not against water. This is in reference to her role as CEO of Porous City Network which is a social enterprise that looks to increase urban resilience in Southeast Asia. Says Rachel; “She’s really doing it, not just talking about it and we have a lot to learn from her.”
The 2023 NZILA Firth Conference is being held in Whakatū, Nelson at the Trafalgar Centre.
The second and final day of conference today will include presentations from New York’s Kate Orff, the Founding Principal and Partner at SCAPE who was recently named in Time Magazine’s list of the 100 most influential people of 2023. Kate will discuss SCAPE's high level practice with particular focus on coastal and climate change.
Dr. Jala Makhzoumi from Iraq, Lebanon and London will also present today. She is adjunct professor of landscape architecture at the American University of Beirut and the acting president, Middle East Chapter, the International Federation of Landscape Architects. Jala will be presenting on a landscape architecture approach to sustainable urban growth.