Papakainga Housing - a Taupo case study

Papakāinga. It’s a traditional form of whānau-based communal living on ancestral Māori land that I strongly believe in; in terms of whānau support and well-being. I can’t help but feel passionate about it. So, when a papakāinga project in the Taupō District came up for a Tūrangi-based whānau, I jumped at the opportunity to be part of the project team.

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The award winning panda plan

Pandas are considered a national treasure in China, yet despite their noble status and relative lack of predators they’re still very much at risk. Only around 1800 of them exist in the wild - man being their biggest threat. Australian-born design practice HASSELL is doing its bit to help spread the conservation message related to these cuddly icons, by coming up with a Panda Land master plan concept for the southern Chinese city of Chengdu.

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Is it time to get rid of traditional lawns?

New Zealanders are very attached to their own patches of lawn, the monotonous whirring of mowers a soundtrack to our weekends and long summer evenings, accompanied by petrol fumes and the smell of freshly cut grass. But is it time to get rid of traditional lawns for the environments sake? A pair of urban ecologists - one from Australia, the other from Sweden, certainly think it might be.

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