Third-year landscape architecture students from around the motu are being invited to put their names forward to gain a place on multidisciplinary teams for the 2025 ArchEngBuild Challenge. It is the first challenge since they began in 2011 to include landscape architecture as part of the mix.
Read MoreDaniel Watt has finished his university studies with a clutch of awards, including a NZILA Vectorworks Landmark Scholarship, and with an ambition to “inspire others to think creatively about resilience in their projects”. His winning Major Design mapped out a new future for Franz Josef township.
Read MoreThis time last year, student Hannah Merrett-Kaufman could not have foreseen just how far afield her landscape architecture studies would take her.
Read MoreHanley Chen from Lincoln University has been awarded the 2021 NZILA Vectorworks Landmark Student Scholarship.
Read MoreThe day LAA catches up with Aleksandra Roenning she’s struggling to find the words. She’s put in a late night putting the final touches to her final project for her Bachelor of Landscape Architecture degree at Copenhagen University and is exhausted.
Read MoreKeen photographer Will Chrisp has always been taken with the beauty of a starry sky. In times of stress the landscape architecture Masters student has found it soothing and grounding.
Read MoreA landscape architecture student has beaten professional architects to win a housing competition in the American state of Georgia.
Read MoreThe judges in this year’s Resene New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architecture awards say the winner in the Student Category really stood out from the other excellent entries from students.
Read MoreHow will the environmental effects of climate change affect the shape of our future cities? Panuku’s proposed development of the Onehunga Port in Auckland, proved a great opportunity for a joint Unitec landscape architecture and architecture studio project to explore this issue.
Read MoreI believe we need to stay connected to this world, that gives us so much inspiration, by creating spaces that help us cultivate a healthy mind, writes student Justice Bellamy. And it’s that thought of how to become connected to nature, that helped me develop the concept of my New Zealand Flower and Garden Show entry - The Interbeing. A symbol in the landscape.
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