Today is world Park(ing) Day! It's a worldwide event where artists, designers and residents turn urban car parks into temporary public spaces.
Read MoreDjao-Rakitine’s redesign of Moscow’s Khokhlovskaya Square has been awarded Best Urban Design by the Moscow Urban Forum.
As part of a wider regeneration project for the historical Pokrovskiy Boulevard Ring, the new square, which opened to the public in September 2017, is in fact an archaeological preservation of the remains of the Belgorodskaya (or White) Wall.
Read MoreLandscape Architect Chris Bentley is a partner at Boffa Miskell, and was the founder of the company’s Shanghai office. He frequently travels between Auckland and Shanghai, and a recent journey led him to compare public transport between the two cities
Read MoreLandscape architect Dennis Scott has made the trip to Waiheke Island countless times. On a Saturday morning in August we make the trip together so he can show me his island - the place where he reimagined and responded to it’s growing popularity - leading and collaborating in an applied landscape planning approach that lead to a sustainable landscape transformation for the once “bohemian community.”
Read MoreMark Ames from Sydney-based Strategic Cities specialises in media management and engagement strategy for cities and government agencies. He played an influential role in London, helping to secure an ambitious and controversial 10-year one billion pound cycling strategy and action plan. Other clients include Auckland Transport, and the cities of Sydney, Adelaide and Vincent (WA).
He recently visited New Zealand courtesy of Boffa Miskell, to discuss how to overcome resistance to change in cities.
Read MorePaul Sangha Landscape Architecture has been selected as the landscape architectural consultants for the Dubai Creek Tower at Dubai Creek Harbour.
Read MoreTe Aranga Māori Design Principles were developed by Māori design professionals as a response to the New Zealand Urban Design Protocol in 2005. Over time the principles have been developed and adopted by the Auckland Council with the support of Ngā Aho and are being promoted across all council built projects.
Japanese design studio Nendo has completed its first ever landscape architecture project - the CoFuFun plaza, near Kyoto in Japan.
Read MoreLast year LandLAB’s Henry Crothers was a judge in the World Architecture Awards landscape and masterplanning categories. This year his firm has been shortlisted in the division for it’s work on the Queenstown Masterplan. And it’s not the company’s only recognition, it’s also been noticed for its work on Ponsonby Park in the civic category, and a man-made island in the experimental section.
Read MoreFour New Zealand landscape architecture projects have been shortlisted for this year’s World Architecture Festival, which will be held in Amsterdam at the end of November. Festival organisers reported a record number of entries this year. LandLAB had three projects shortlisted, and we’ll look at them tomorrow. But here’s the Jasmax project Te Whau Pathway, which has been shortlisted in the Future Projects, Infrastructure category.
Read MoreNew Zealand’s Festival of Architecture kicks off around the country on Friday (14 September) and this year is aiming to broaden the discussion beyond architecture to the importance of design in towns and cities. There’s walking tours around cities, lectures, open homes, exhibitions and competitions - all designed to coax the general public in to taking part.
Read MoreThe idea of adaptive management in response to climate change is being increasingly discussed as a means of dealing with the degree of uncertainty about what exactly the future holds. The coastal margin is seen as a critical area in our response to climate change as the impact of increased storminess and seal-level rise will impact on an already highly dynamic environment. But what is adaptation and how is it seen on the ground?
Read MoreMLA+ architects and ZEN Landscape Architects have created a walkway through the treetops of the historic Xiangmi Park in China, providing visitors with unparalleled views while also connecting them to the new Xiangmi Science Library.
Read MoreAucklanders want their Council to do more to support intergenerational play, so parents and grandparents can frolic at parks with younger family members. That’s the feedback on the discussion document, Tākaro - Investing in play, which is aimed at helping Auckland Council draft a play plan to guide it through the next 20 years.
Read MoreToday marks eight years since life in Canterbury’s changed forever - the first earthquake which rocked the region at 7.1 on the richter scale. It struck as people were sleeping at 4.35am on a Saturday morning. Miraculously only one person died, few were injured but many buildings in Christchurch were left in ruins. Of course a more deadly quake was to strike just six months later and out of that came the residential red zone.
Read MoreThe head of the International Federation of Landscape Architects is heading our way. Australian James Hayter, who was elected to the role of president of IFLA in July, will be here next week delivering a series of lectures.
Read More"There is a perception that we pick the plants ... we're the people who come in and put in the green fluff," says Nicole Thompson of Wraight and Associates when LAA posed the question of how the landscape architecture profession is misunderstood.
Read MoreAn artificial beach in Denmark’s been given an upgrade - reconstructing and protecting the popular beach park in a Copenhagen suburb.
Read MoreNgā Aho was a name gifted to a group of Māori design professionals by their kaumatua, Haare Williams. It translates as “the many strands", in this case suggesting the weaving together of the many strands of Māori design culture: strategy, planning, landscape architecture, architecture, visual communications, product design and education.
Read MoreAuckland Domain has received international recognition for its recreation opportunities, and preservation and interpretation of indigenous culture. It was named in the Bronze category of the inaugural International Large Urban Parks Awards. Judges praised it for it’s well protected and managed parklands.
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