Landscape architect Debbie Tikao is the General Manager of Matapopore Charitable Trust, which was established after the Christchurch earthquakes.
Read MoreAuckland’s Wynyard Precinct is about take another key step in its multi decade transformation in what Eke Panuku’s General Manager of Design and Place describes as “an opportunity of a lifetime.”
Read MoreThe City of Melbourne has released plans for its Greenline project, a four-kilometre promenade along the north bank of the Yarra River, Birrarung, that will create a continuous riverside to Docklands.
Read MoreWork in the capital to upgrade the Swan Lane and Garrett Street link to Cuba Street has begun, with the aim of increasing the area’s attractiveness, walkability, and safety.
Read MoreLandLAB has won the international competition to develop an urban master plan and public realm concept for the 7.5km long Sirius Waterfront in Sochi, Russia.
Read MoreDanish nature-design firm SLA Architects have created Abu Dhabi’s first biodiversity park, constructed on barren sand in the megacity’s downtown area.
Read MoreLandscape architects have significant leadership roles to play as Auckland starts implementing the Government’s just-announced 30-year transport infrastructure plan.
Read MoreFor Terry Wearmouth being part of restoring Kaipara Moana is much more than business, it’s personal. We tell his story on World Wetlands Day.
Read MoreTomorrow is World Wetlands Day so an appropriate time to showcase Turenscape’s Sanya Mangrove Park which has added 10 hectares of restored natural environment to the bank of the Sanya River in China’s Hainan Province.
Read MoreBoffa Miskell designers often contribute their expertise to smaller-scale projects close to their hearts. Christchurch-based landscape architect Katie Chilton has recently contributed to a particularly poignant project at her children’s primary school.
Read MoreWellington’s climate adaptation planning project Digital Twin has won global recognition and a big funding boost after being named a winner in the Bloomberg Mayors Challenge.
Read MoreLoenen Memorial Cemetery, the final resting place of nearly 4,000 Dutch soldiers and civilians, is set to receive an extension designed by Karres en Brands.
Read MoreConstruction work has begun on the final three stages of the Wai Horotiu Queen Street Project – from Shortland Street to Mayoral Drive in Tāmaki Makaurau.
Read MoreSWA/Balsley have designed the Nelson Mandela Park masterplan for Rotterdam, and won an ASLA-NY 2021 Design Award for the result.
Read MoreEke Panuku has adopted a range of sustainable procurement targets to increase supplier diversity and reduce waste in its work across Tāmaki Makaurau.
Read MoreBjarke Ingels Group has designed Farfetch’s new headquarters within the larger Fuse Valley campus in Porto, Portugal, offering a, “biophilic environment [that] aims to increase productivity and wellbeing.”
Read MoreThe sea, as a connected and contrasting element to the land, forms a critical part of our understanding of the world, and our place within it.
Read MoreWelcome to 2022 which is expected to be a significant one for the landscape architecture profession.
Read MoreThis time last year we were signing off for 2020 with phrases like “next year can only be better.” Then came Delta - and now Omicron and the rest is unfortunately not quite history.
Read MoreASPECT Studios, in collaboration with TERROIR and Mulloway Studio, and engineers WALLBRIDGE GILBERT AZTEC (WGA), have designed an enhancement of Sturt Reserve, the heritage wharf and tourism precinct in South Australia’s Murray Bridge.
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