Landscape architects are closely involved with the New Zealand Gardens Trust as part of its work promoting the best gardens in the country.
Read MoreThe latest report from the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is unusually direct in its message, writes Dr Simon Swaffield from the NZILA Climate Action Group.
Read MoreA NZILA Climate Action Group spokesperson has welcomed a report from the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment which states green space should be seen as vital urban infrastructure in Aotearoa.
Read MoreAuckland can be proud of efforts towards investing in green infrastructure, says Boffa Miskell landscape architect Mark Lewis who also says Resource Management reform should seek to support further implementation of blue-green networks.
Read MoreEastern Glades, by Nelson Byrd Woltz, is the first major project to be completed in Houston’s Memorial Park and reclaims 100 acres of previously inaccessible land for the local community.
Read MoreTomorrow (Tuesday March 14 2023) is the International Day of Action for Rivers. It’s a day dedicated to saving, celebrating and creating awareness about the importance of rivers and waterways.
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The World Landscape Architecture Awards (WLA) 2023 are now open for entries.
Renowned landscape architect Dr. Jala Makhzoumi will be an in-person keynote presenter at the 2023 NZILA Firth Conference in Nelson in May.
Read MoreThe Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust in the United Kingdom has a Living Wetland Theatre courtesy of BD landscape architects.
Read MoreJasmax’s Britomart Reference Design has informed the its redevelopment of the Galway Street Mid-Portion in Auckland City Tamaki Makaurau, improving the area’s connectivity and environmental sensitivity.
Read MoreA Waikato wetland sanctuary is reintroducing rats to drive out birds fouling a prized lake. The move is a last resort to try to scare off half a million sparrows and starlings which roost around pest-free Lake Rotopiko.
Read MoreThe rugged landscape of the Grampians Peaks Trail in Western Victoria offers not only a world class hiking experience but also important environmental protection for the pristine Gariwerd wilderness.
Read MoreRenowned architect and urban designer Rob Adams has been confirmed as a keynote speaker at the 2023 NZILA Firth Conference in Nelson in May. Rob is best known for his work in Melbourne, where he played a key role in transforming the city into a world-leading example of best practice in urban design.
Read MoreClimate Changed - Landscape architect Shannon Bray writes from cyclone ravaged Hawke’s Bay.
Read MoreAs the ongoing effects of Cyclone Gabrielle continue to reverberate up and down Aotearoa I wanted to check in once again with members, including many who have been significantly affected by this unprecedented weather event.
Read MoreMembers of the NZILA Working Group for RMA Reforms has presented the Institute’s submission to the Natural and Built Environment Bill select committee hearing.
Read MoreTraditional stormwater infrastructure—often found underground or at the periphery of urban centres—remains largely invisible until the moment it fails, writes Isthmus Senior Landscape Architect Zach Barker.
Read MoreThe International Federation of Landscape Architects’ (IFLA) President, Dr. Bruno Marques says he has been on a steep learning curve since he took over the post late last year.
Read MoreTurning an overbearing element of concrete infrastructure into a public space adds much-needed amenities and greenery for a community in the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, India.
Read MoreThe NZILA Working Group for RMA Reform believes the proposed Natural and Built Environment Bill could be positive for the profession and has made a submission to parliament about the reforms, meeting the deadline of Sunday February 5.
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