At the doorstep to one of China’s largest cities, the new Xichong Coastal Reserve enhances the natural seaside getaway experience, protects local ecosystems and communities, whilst supporting a new ecological tourism industry for a burgeoning Chinese middle class.
Read MoreWellington has moved a step closer to realising it’s vision of becoming a te reo Māori capital city by 2040 after city councillors formally endorsed Paekākā as the te reo Māori name for the landscape area including Wellington Botanic Garden, Anderson Park, the top of the Cable Car, and Bolton Street Cemetery.
Read MoreBjarke Ingels Group has designed the world’s most sustainable furniture factory for the heart of the Norwegian forest.
Read MoreBangkok has a new landmark - a “sky park” - which straddles the mighty Chao Phraya River.
Read MoreLinnea Jacobsen is a Danish landscape architect who had always had a hankering to visit New Zealand.
Read MoreGroundbreaking landscape architect Megan Wraight will be farewelled at a private funeral today and NZILA Tuia Pito Ora President Brad Coombs is suggesting the landscape architecture and design professions pay tribute to the Wraight + Associates founder at the same time.
Read MoreThere can be few more prestigious addresses than One Beverly Hills, but the site there is now “poised to become a striking and dynamic mixed-use project.”
Read MoreWe’re incredibly sad to share the loss of one of our industry’s shining lights. Megan Wraight died yesterday after a long battle with cancer.
Read MoreA new school design for the Dutch city of Appingedam, created by Felixx Landscape Architects and Planners, demonstrates a campus functioning as an educational landscape.
Read MoreThe Puhi Kai Iti/Cook Landing project seeks to reveal narratives associated with the first navigators and explorers to arrive in New Zealand and provide a balanced representation of history in this significant place.
Read MoreBim’bimba Park, the final piece of Mirvac’s masterplanned community Gainsborough Greens in Queensland, has won a landscape architecture award from the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects.
Read MoreThe day LAA catches up with Aleksandra Roenning she’s struggling to find the words. She’s put in a late night putting the final touches to her final project for her Bachelor of Landscape Architecture degree at Copenhagen University and is exhausted.
Read MoreThe North Saskatchewan River Valley is the birthplace of the City of Edmonton but dividing the top of the river bank - home to Edmonton’s bustling downtown business area - from the valley, is a network of roads and steep slopes making access to the 150 kilometres of trails and water difficult.
Read MoreSydney Park was once a cemetery of sorts for rusting car bodies; a place where televisions and fridges and other detritus of modern life went to die when no longer wanted by the city’s inhabitants.
Read MoreAs a child Mark Brown liked being outside playing sport and building things: construction was in his family’s blood. At school he loved technical drawing and art design subjects. And that’s how he arrived at landscape architecture.
Read MoreThe Asia Pacific Region of IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) is calling for co-operation within the landscape architecture profession to help rebuild post-Covid-19.
Read MoreKeep New Zealand Beautiful has announced the finalists for this year’s Beautiful Awards.
Read MoreInterventions that attract attention and reveal what might live there are connecting people to place at Hobsonville Point—a medium-density suburb designed with the infrastructure necessary to generate a socially successful and sustainable community.
Read MoreMultidisciplinary studio Isthmus has picked up two awards in an international experiential design competition.
Read MoreTROP are the leading landscape architects for the Ribbon Dance Park project in China, “a transitional public park that slowly draws visitors into a fully immersive landscape experience.”
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