Finalists from the Te Nohonga Toru design challenge have now been constructed and are on show at Takutai Square, Britomart until the first week of October.
Read MoreFrom 3-5 September, 600+ delegates will gather for the World Green Infrastructure Congress in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. WGIC2024 is being hosted by the University of Auckland | Waipapa Taumata Rau in collaboration with Design for Nature and the World Green Infrastructure Network. LAA has compiled a ready reference to the 100+ speakers.
Read MoreCathy Challinor, a Kaihoahoa Whenua at Boffa Miskell, shares her thoughts on deeper understandings of memorialisation, and a growing awareness of "the complexity of the symbolism that memorials contain or omit".
Read MoreThis time last year, student Hannah Merrett-Kaufman could not have foreseen just how far afield her landscape architecture studies would take her.
Read MoreLuoyun ‘Fish’ Lee, a senior landscape architect at Bespoke, shares her experience on the Te Kapua Playground project in Tūrangi - a co-recipient of Te Karanga o te Tui Award at the 2024 Resene NZILA Awards.
Read MoreOrganisers of the Paris Olympics have certainly lived up to their 2024 motto of Games Wide Open (Ouvrons grand les Jeux) and it’s not all about the sport.
Read MoreA new industry-led initiative that aims to reduce the environmental impact of Aotearoa New Zealand’s buildings, which contribute up to 20 per cent of the national carbon footprint, was announced yesterday at Parliament.
Read MoreThis talk provides an overview of the state of the landscape architecture profession and introduces the critical role that landscape architects play in advancing the profession by demanding the highest standards of education, training, research and professional practice
Read MoreThe reduced costs associated with pocket parks made them very attractive to communities and provided their residents with a little oasis of tranquility and relaxation.
Read MoreResearchers from NIWA are developing the first, nationally consistent flood inundation hazard and risk assessment for New Zealand. It’s vital research that’s revealing how changing rainfall patterns, rising
Read MoreAuckland Stadium at Quay Park by HKS, in Auckland, New Zealand, also known as Te Tōangaroa, is one of 33 future projects that have been announced as winners of this year’s World Architecture Festival WAFX Awards.
Read MoreHave your say on the actions and activities that New Zealand should take in the second half of the decade to help navigate towards a low-emissions future. Consultation is open until August 21, 2024.
Read MoreThe Biodiversity in Place Framework provides a practical guide to bring nature back into our cities, towns and suburbs.
Read MoreThe Government plans to introduce 19 new protection areas in the Hauraki Gulf/Tīkapa Moana.
Read MoreThe case study of the Auckland Botanic Gardens exemplifies a successful integration of water-sensitive design within an urban park setting.
Read MoreCyclone Gabrielle sparked Ava Roimata Wright’s journey into her Master of Landscape Architecture research.
Read MoreMartins Creek Estuary, a remnant of coastal wetland on the south side of the Buller River Delta, has been getting reforestation attention from The Restoring and Protecting Flora Project during its final months.
Read MoreThe National Gallery of Australia has announced a shortlist of five finalists for the National Sculpture Garden Design Competition.
Read MoreWe need to change the way we use our land if we are to hold the line on environmental quality, let alone improve it. In Aotearoa New Zealand, land use has been changing since humans first arrived, and it continues today - Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment.
Read More"Landscape architecture is an art form that, if anything, can tell about the relationship between nature, society and man. It can help give us the good life that contains both meaning, well-being, experience and realization."
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